Monday, March 28, 2011

Post-it Notes

40 lbs lighter.  A missed real estate opportunity.  1 point less in IQ. Falling in love with Twitter. Bi-lover with coffee and tea.


“Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back.” Harvey MacKay quotes.

To be honest, if it was my iPhone dropping from 1,000 foot - I'll be popping some unfortunate people's eardrums. Ask my family - they will verify that. As my mother used to proclaim that I WOULD have easily scared a mugger off with that voice-box of mine. Not that it have happened and I do not intend to experiment at all... in other words, I'm a chicken plus - I'm much of a private person not desiring much of suddenly drawn attention.

Read this "iPhone-factor" story ... I applause and at same time, gently shaking my that "guy", Roger Nachman - from  Anyway,  nice reflection on my iPhone, uh?


My white pom watches TV.  My in-law is knitting another blanket, another additional to her collection of 100+ blankets.  My teen was engorged into 2-hours debate with one of her FB friends on topic about which color should she be dying her hair. My husband is about to use up the battery in the TV remote due to micro-second channel surfing.  Me - with my Mac laptop, warming up my lap.

Holding out for an house fire alarm that also performs a timer for my cooking.  Coffee table that converts into an electric massager for my weary foot and calves, serving more than one pair of foot. Dogs that can perform sign language to communicate EXACTLY what he/she was agitated about.

Still trying to convince my mind that I should LIKE going to bed and getting up, instead groaning every time I'm forced to go bed OR getting out of bed.

Salt away!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Earth Hour 2011... and....

Science Projects:

As you know that on March 19th, Saturday - there was 'Supermoon', which the moon shines 30% more and appeared to be at 14% larger, the combination of it wasn't common. In fact, it haven't happened in past 20 years.  It's nice that I was able to witness it and lick my fingertip "check"!

Now, there is more.. but much toward to environment-awareness.

Every year Earth Hour asks individuals, businesses and communities worldwide to show their commitment to the environment. This kind of demonstration - reveals the power of individuals, communities, businesses and governments to unite and make a difference! Even for a hour PER YEAR! That simple of actions speak louder than words.

This Earth Hour, we encourage and hope that you and I will turn off your lights. But when the lights go back on, try and go beyond the hour and think about what you can change in your daily life that will benefit the planet. That would be an excellent educational opportunity...

To confirm your pledge - simply go to and confirm it.  While at it - you get to download a FREE wallpaper, sent e-card and join their official Facebook page! Even tweet about it! Just for fun of it!  They even have that neat "global" map where you add your "pledge" star to it. You will be able to read other pledges. It's cool....

Earth Hour

(in case if this video above does not work...please click on this link:

NOTE: St. Patrick's Incident:  If you have read my previous posting. (crossing fingers as I'm still learning... I'm more of hands-on artist where I create amazing fine handcrafts which I will plan on showing and provide instructions cuz I love to share!)  Down in here in city of Frederick, Maryland.  Rita's Italian Ice establishment - Frederick, they were having a contest where each eager participator is to search for that location given by Rita's-Frederick, only in longtitude/latitude mode. The first arrival get to claim the "golden ticket" from one of Rita's-Frederick's representative, standing and holding a huge red/white umbrella. The prize? 365 tickets for a free regular italian ice!  Yes that's 365 free italian ice!

Anyway - they were giving not just one winner, but 19 lucky winners! Each day for 19 days! Just right before their famous annual thing - March 20th, the First Day of Spring where everyone is to get their free italian ice!  (follow them on Twitter @ or @) Anyway, I was monitoring their announcements as they made one every day, around 11:30am by tweeting AND Facebooking the 'locations'. Never had the chance to claim one as the timing and location wasn't suitable for me as I was being too busy - I simply enjoyed the show.

UNTIL... the day of St. Patrick's.

For two days prior to that "fateful day" - I had the strong feeling that they will choose this specific location (I guessed ZiPanini and/or Frederick Community College) which was near where I reside. So it was strong enough for me to get out of the house and go to an area near to that "location", just in case if I was wrong - I will simply go to do some grocery shopping. No loss there. So - they tweeted those numbers (remember, they give out the location by using longtitude/lantitude only). Googled those number.. my heart was pounding as I realize that the location was just few yards away! I rammed the pedal "almost" flew to the location.  Upon the arrival, I was all giggly and claim my 'golden ticket'! I was so excited and amazed at my "guts feelings".. not thinking carefully nor wisely. I tweeted of my "accomplishment" before the announcer is to make an official announcement herself on Twitter and Facebook!!! What a BIG-MOUTHED I was!! I beat her to it...  how embarrassing and stupid of me! I can't believe I've allowed 5-years old "spirit" take over my almost-40 years old brain! I would NORMALLY, be cool and be humble about it - and of course, express my delight by giving "thanks" to the announcer. But noooo - I just BLURTED it out there for everyone to "read"!!!

Maybe it's no big deal but hey, I do have a tiny problem with my "inner" ego thing... I sometimes get too competitive. For example.. I'm UNDEFEATED Pictionary champion, but so far.. no one wanted to play with me unless I'm on a team.  Pathetic, isn't it? Anyway... thanks, this was therapitc for me and I can resume to my "normal" life... (as IF!)

*spooning italian ice*

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tan or Non-tanned Feet?

*lotion-ing my feet*

How great it feel to slip into sandals...from spending the winter wearing boots.  So.. I thought, "Sandals vs. Boots"? Which one is better?

Amazingly enough that it's similar to choosing between glazed or chocolate glazed donuts! Both are GOOD... just that the only difference is the timing! (my apologies to weight management companies) No I don't apply those finger-licking glaze on my feet - or I will end up putting my foot in my mouth!  (gag)

The past winter - it was SO cold!! Weeks of wearing boots, tennis shoes or clogs (suffocating my white feet) - washing doormats, wiping off wet dogs from walking. The area near front door or (side door) which seems to be cluttered with shoes, scarfs, hats, mittens, dirt and snow/rain. Where you might be tempted to just discard them into a trash can instead picking each of them - either that or deflate your lungs at kids and spouses and the job were done instantly.

I'm sure you were thinking - when should I break out those sandals? Are my feet hot enough to wear it without attracting unwelcomed pairs of eyes anywhere I need/want/must GO? (H*ll) to them - cuz my feet were HOT, hotter than my whole body and once I've exposed them to cooler relief, don't I feel INSTANT relief? I actually fantasized dipping my feet into foundation in front of White House...

Too eager to wear one, so I went and bought my first sandals of 2011! You know those "tones-up" tennis shoes? I know I probably won't make to those commercials where I am to swing my fanny to millions of viewers - it's too big for their TVs.

Anyway - I BOUGHT a pair of black Tone-Up sandals (not thongs cuz I hate how my toes looks, too monkey-like for sleek types of flips. Maybe the problem lies in perceiving the accurate 'depth' within my eyes). Sorry - got off the road again... I was SAYING... that I love my sandals! It instantly made my feet look thin and feel surprisingly comfortable and yet classy enough to go into a nice restaurant. (honey, I'm hinting here...)

Nice, isn't it? I know I need to color my toenails - they were hidden all winter. See how WHITE it is!? No sense to color if I cannot show it off. I promise - I will go to my local nail salon. I think I will fix my feet up a bit before sticking it to nail technician's face. I have "spray-on" tan bottle...*shaking the bottle*

Ok ok - I've been advocating sandals for a while now (pointing at spring fever)... wearing boots have it's own advantage! Especially those 'fur-lined, fleece-lined, fabric-lined types of boots. They were SOO comfortable!! I do not mean those mountain-style boots (even through they does look bulky yet neat)...I mean those boots where you see everywhere.  The exterior of those boots, seems to appear like if they have been knitted by a grandmother in add with a pair of pom-poms to secure it on your feet? You know? I was meaning to buy it but I'm not sure if they look good on me and I didn't even try it on. I just leave it to be for teenagers and young people (they were the ones I kept seeing wearing those! Sorry!) as it actually look better on them than my own feet!  Well... err, that's all I can say about wearing boots. I think I'd primarily opt for sandals and boots always will come in second - DURING the spring/summer time!

Yesterday - was St. Patrick's Day and I have done something a bit stupid and embarrassing which wasn't me, at ALL! I will have to wait after Sunday to tell you about it - due to ongoing event which I cannot reveal any details as it will end on 19th, tomorrow. Yet, it was GOOD... *sigh*

Now...the moon, big enough to "touch" in 20 years - try to "lasso" it this weekend?

That's it - "salt" for your feet, pamper yourself at home, with a friend, sister, aunt, grandmother, daughter, niece... and of course, you even could include any male as they too need a manicure!!  Walk-ins ARE welcome - totally.

This is a warm-up I'm trying out "topics", as finding a "theme" that I would stick to it. As I've said.. "salt to-taste", please enjoy this random blogs of mine.  I have they all are good! Too much if I'm to share it all with you - so I'm drawing straws. I will let you know which of me have won. :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

3 or 4-Leaf Clover?

*rustling in the grass*

Darn - I NEED that shamrock! After those snow and rain - it sure bounds to spring out some!

Now - aren't you going out to eat on St. Patrick? Or even better, purchase one of those spring-antenna mini-shamrock attached to a plastic or felt hat?  Then discard the next day? I wish there is some kind of shamrock-shaped box for chocolates. You know? Like the Valentine's?  At least The Perfect Truffle is making chocolates WITH beer! Kid you not! (You're welcome!)

Wanna to impress your friends/family/perfect strangers while chugging down some beer? (DISCLAIMER: These statements does not reflect nor endorsed by Shannon, A Spoonful of Salt)

Try telling a bit about a shamrock - a bonus if you actually find (not purchased) one, as it's considered an omen for good luck! Glue or staple an extra clover does not count. I know because I tried.

Long version: In Irish tradition the Shamrock or 3-leaf Clover represents the Holy Trinity: one leaf for the Father, one for the Son and one for the Holy Spirit. When a Shamrock is found with the fourth leaf, it represents God's Grace.


Short version: one-leaf clover = Faith, two = Hope, three = Love and four = Luck!

So - which one is better? 3 or 4-Leaf Clover? No biggie...I'd choose both since they're just plain shamrock!!

I've got something for you... there is this Shamrock origami created by Stephan Hecht! It's REALLY hard.. but you gotta say you're impressed! Cuz I am! I've not succeed and I will!

When working on it - say this SIMPLE tongue twister and don't be mad at me! Say...
"Irish Wristwatch". 

*snicker, snicker, snort*

Tell me if you got this figured out! I'll put you on my mantle, along with my other statues and candlesticks! Tried this couple of times. I think this instructions were missing some points...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mom in Green Outfit

*sipping iced tea*

I was talking to my mom - as she was so full of history and her life. See, we were working on her book - about her life. She agreed on giving you a peek into her book. It's only a page which you will be reading

This is to keep you entertained while I work on other blog which involves some funny quotations, poetry and fact-of-life. Plus a shamrock origami using a dollar bill!! (perfect for who plans on going to Irish bar on St. Patrick's Day. This is your chance to impress, start a conversation - etc.).

*recorder playing*


Mom, as you know St. Patrick's coming ... I dunno if it's a big thing when you were growing up.
Actually, what exactly did you do during that time? 

Good, food, good friends and alot of talking and playing games, and of course a wee bit of whiskey.

Oh, food? What kind? 

Corned beef and cabbage, paddy cakes, liver pudding, fish, irish potatoe soup. Wait, make that a beef Irish paddy cakes, jeez am I drunk??

Oh mom, you are not!

Like if I was bad, she'd break off my arm and beat me with the bloody stump?

How do you know if you’re in trouble? 

Of course, I always knew when I was in trouble, that's the only time she called me by my whole name. “Eileen Patricia Leet!”.. and in “BIG” letters... yelling!

Most of the time I was just or Paddy.. when I was on the sh*t lift it was the whole name... and everyone knew about it too…and went “Uh-oh you're in big trouble now girl!!”

Wow, she must be very strict…. 

She was a darling woman, told me I could anything or be anyone I wanted, that is why I went into the army... I just wanted her to be proud of me. So, I told her I wanted to go into the army, she said so see what they have to offer. I took the test and in three days later I was gone to Fort McCDullan, Alabama and under the tender mercy of Drill Sargent Bernidenni... she taught me meaning of fear... and respect. Your grandmother, she was so proud of me, the first generation Irish/American and I was going into the Vietnam war.... yet, she was proud of me!

God bless her

Was it difficult, especially for a female at this age in that decade? 

I was smart and stupid... not to get with men who were paying alot of attention to me as I was tall and slender, but I really had brains. I had a Top Secret Crypto Clearance, that was one of the highest the army had.

What did your sisters, my aunts, say to that as you’re the eldest? 

Sandy cried, that was when they cut off my hair and set it home. She used to sneak up in the closet and comb it, instead of a long ponytail, I ended up having a box of loose hair.

She was just a kid, 12 years old and I was basically her mom because mom was getting sick at the time.

You mean - they mailed your hair home - in a ponytail and Sandy combed it, which ended up loosed up in the box?

Yep, my hair was down to my butt, I could sit on it... they put it into a pony tail and cut it off and mailed it to my mom. Afterwards, my hair was a little over and inch long. (pixie-style)

We could not use makeup and they dressed us in ugly blue bell-bottom shorts with a wrap around skit that buttoned down the front. EEEEWWWWWW!!! With black oxford shoes with little black socks...

I started off at Willow Lake, them we moved to Window after Gordie went crazy and married Julie, the bith...yp windom. Ok… the meds are starting to work.

[my mother took painkiller medicine when she was talking to me, and she was so relaxed…] 

I always thought they were dressed in green, like regular army? 

Not in basic for exercise, those were dress uniforms, for parades and school AND STUFF. Bell bottom shorts half pleats in the front, seriously ugly shorts

And you had to endure wearing those! Well, at least you have a good pair of legs to show off.

You should see them on you, and they had to be starched so they could stand up alone!! We were the most unsexy young women, ugly clothes, no make up, no hair... but we learned to work together as a team!

And you were the best! 

I made my E-2 in basic training, there were 4 of us that did it...out of 60 girls! I got my first stripe...then we went off to school at Fort Gordon, Georgia to learn the techniques in communications. Again, I got my second stripe from that school.

I was looking good back them, 5'8" ana about 130 lbs, a learning green fighting machine. I was always with the guys, they had more fun than the girls.

That was the reason why they wanted me to have an abortion, I was really good at my job.

[I was the proof of an abortion – she did not abort me because her mother - my grandmother, died 3 days before the discovery of her pregnancy]

Okay…any envy reactions among your other girls in your class? 

Oh hell yeah, I had one girl steal a beautiful Korean blanket I had bought for Mom as my Christmas present.

That girl who stole the blanket - how do you know it was her and what happened afterwards?

We never found it, but that was okay. Maybe she needed it more than me...but I got mom something even better! I took her dress shopping and got into a fight with some idiot lady.

What?? Wait, you got into a fight with a lady? Over what?! 

Your grandma had psoriasis, it was red, rashly skin disorder, and this lady said "she shouldn’t be allowed outside with that stuff on the legs" It hurt mom’s feeling so I punched her and end up spent about 3 hours in jail. But the lady who own that store was mom's friend, she made that lady to drop the charges.

Ooh - she actually dropped the charges? Based on what? guilty? 

Rose, mom's friend – the shop owner. She said she would tell everyone what had happened and it would ruin her reputation. See, everybody liked mom and she was cool. They respected her. Rose also came here from Belfast, Ireland. Settled down in Windham, Ohio.

I remember going home before going to Fort Lewis after school and they told us to cover up our uniforms so they wouldn't throw tomatoes at us....

Mom? Did they? Throw some at you? 

Hell yes, sorry civilians...they had no clue what our men were going through, what a bunch of spoiled brats.

Anyway! Oh yeah, back in the day, when you could get a HUGE Daisy Queen ice cream for just a quarter!! Ooh - o'glory days. Before the world started going crazy, back when John and Bobby and Martin were going to change the world.


Please remember the soliders who either have so much or so little to lose and they gave up their lives for us so we can continue enjoying our freedom in USA. Therefore, GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Until next time - blog you later!
- Shannon

Monday, March 7, 2011

Unlocking the diary

Dusting off and here I am, opening it - which I've not done in such long time. All I did was just adding stuff to it through it's "mail slot".

Should I create index cards every time I prepare my blog postings? Should I enuncate instead? Oh dear - darn my irish-based pride!  Or perhaps nursing fragile dignity?

*shaking head*

OH, please! Why am I talking like a talk show? This is going to be such fun and there are so many things for me to share it with you. This "diary" actually is a small black notebook which  I've just composed a title on it.  Nothing fancy but cute.  Now - just talk to this if it's a person... with multi-personalities. Ooh. that's not good to start with that... okok. Let me visualize a bit.

*rubbing my temples gently*

Let me have a glass of water first. *sipping, then gulping*  Ahh.. ok ok.

Ok...I guess I could start with an introduction and I promise you that it won't be long nor boring so you can get straight to good stuff.  I'm just following this 'protocol' on etiquette book. *flipping*

*ahem* I'm second generation irishwoman living in USA, my mom (who still is alive and kicking but not as high she would like to but boy, she knows WHERE to kick and I won't say where cuz it could be either physically or mentally) - a 'nam vet (short for Vietnam) and yes, that makes me an army brat.  Overall, she's such a SWEET ripe kind of rose.  You know? That is a story I will be sure to share it with you sometimes soon! Hundreds of stories...which I hope some of you would enjoy, along with my mom's stories as well.

Moving from house to apt to trailer to house and around, was like playing a mix of "SORRY" and "LIFE" board game.  Either I get kicked backward, forward or face decisions which choices has to be made.  Of course, there were times when I've "won, such as tokens on birthdays, Christmastimes, summer camps, snow days, swimming in lakes and etc.  *sigh* Another stack of stories here too.

Born in state of Ohio and grew up in state of Washington and between those two states, my growth have been stunted. Puberty, unfortunately, spent in state of oven-baked North Carolina.  (Sorry, I'm not a pure TarHell - wait, I meant TarHeel which I'm rooting for the sake of my native husband).  I will need to remember to bookmark this story when the timing is right - it's such painful experience and yet, hilarious - only the unfortunate ones can relate to this. *high five*


Oh sorry! I was doing some tweeting - left you only behind for a few seconds, maybe minutes - definitely UNDER a hour ago.  Well - I had to be ahead with other twitters as they constantly have fascinating news, even if it involves changing the flat tire or stock going up (hopefully not down too often, but I'm rooting for Apple Inc.!) or a loose tooth coming out followed with puddle of blood or dining at delicious restaurants (I'm a huge fan in dining out).  Anyway, here I am again...and I apologize for violating 2.37 (b) 78.1 paragraph in etiquette book.

You know - that blue scroll blue thing, at right? Where you push up and down? Yeah that one.  Anyway - the size of it is getting shorter as it indicates that my blog posting is getting longer and I know your dinner's burning and I'm very grateful for your kind of sacrifice, so I will lie and say that your dinner was absolutely delicious that I had to scream for the recipe. *nudge, nudge*

Now - what you had was a spoonful of FRESH salt as I've peeled off that "protective" film thingie.  Only that there is a catch to this - I did not mention the size of spoon! *sigh*  Either you get a small spoonful or a ladle-size spoon of salt. Use it to sprinkle your life on daily basis...or share it with your family, friends or maybe a perfect stranger?

Sprinkle away!

*diary closing*