Monday, March 7, 2011

Unlocking the diary

Dusting off and here I am, opening it - which I've not done in such long time. All I did was just adding stuff to it through it's "mail slot".

Should I create index cards every time I prepare my blog postings? Should I enuncate instead? Oh dear - darn my irish-based pride!  Or perhaps nursing fragile dignity?

*shaking head*

OH, please! Why am I talking like a talk show? This is going to be such fun and there are so many things for me to share it with you. This "diary" actually is a small black notebook which  I've just composed a title on it.  Nothing fancy but cute.  Now - just talk to this if it's a person... with multi-personalities. Ooh. that's not good to start with that... okok. Let me visualize a bit.

*rubbing my temples gently*

Let me have a glass of water first. *sipping, then gulping*  Ahh.. ok ok.

Ok...I guess I could start with an introduction and I promise you that it won't be long nor boring so you can get straight to good stuff.  I'm just following this 'protocol' on etiquette book. *flipping*

*ahem* I'm second generation irishwoman living in USA, my mom (who still is alive and kicking but not as high she would like to but boy, she knows WHERE to kick and I won't say where cuz it could be either physically or mentally) - a 'nam vet (short for Vietnam) and yes, that makes me an army brat.  Overall, she's such a SWEET ripe kind of rose.  You know? That is a story I will be sure to share it with you sometimes soon! Hundreds of stories...which I hope some of you would enjoy, along with my mom's stories as well.

Moving from house to apt to trailer to house and around, was like playing a mix of "SORRY" and "LIFE" board game.  Either I get kicked backward, forward or face decisions which choices has to be made.  Of course, there were times when I've "won, such as tokens on birthdays, Christmastimes, summer camps, snow days, swimming in lakes and etc.  *sigh* Another stack of stories here too.

Born in state of Ohio and grew up in state of Washington and between those two states, my growth have been stunted. Puberty, unfortunately, spent in state of oven-baked North Carolina.  (Sorry, I'm not a pure TarHell - wait, I meant TarHeel which I'm rooting for the sake of my native husband).  I will need to remember to bookmark this story when the timing is right - it's such painful experience and yet, hilarious - only the unfortunate ones can relate to this. *high five*


Oh sorry! I was doing some tweeting - left you only behind for a few seconds, maybe minutes - definitely UNDER a hour ago.  Well - I had to be ahead with other twitters as they constantly have fascinating news, even if it involves changing the flat tire or stock going up (hopefully not down too often, but I'm rooting for Apple Inc.!) or a loose tooth coming out followed with puddle of blood or dining at delicious restaurants (I'm a huge fan in dining out).  Anyway, here I am again...and I apologize for violating 2.37 (b) 78.1 paragraph in etiquette book.

You know - that blue scroll blue thing, at right? Where you push up and down? Yeah that one.  Anyway - the size of it is getting shorter as it indicates that my blog posting is getting longer and I know your dinner's burning and I'm very grateful for your kind of sacrifice, so I will lie and say that your dinner was absolutely delicious that I had to scream for the recipe. *nudge, nudge*

Now - what you had was a spoonful of FRESH salt as I've peeled off that "protective" film thingie.  Only that there is a catch to this - I did not mention the size of spoon! *sigh*  Either you get a small spoonful or a ladle-size spoon of salt. Use it to sprinkle your life on daily basis...or share it with your family, friends or maybe a perfect stranger?

Sprinkle away!

*diary closing*

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