Monday, March 21, 2011

Earth Hour 2011... and....

Science Projects:

As you know that on March 19th, Saturday - there was 'Supermoon', which the moon shines 30% more and appeared to be at 14% larger, the combination of it wasn't common. In fact, it haven't happened in past 20 years.  It's nice that I was able to witness it and lick my fingertip "check"!

Now, there is more.. but much toward to environment-awareness.

Every year Earth Hour asks individuals, businesses and communities worldwide to show their commitment to the environment. This kind of demonstration - reveals the power of individuals, communities, businesses and governments to unite and make a difference! Even for a hour PER YEAR! That simple of actions speak louder than words.

This Earth Hour, we encourage and hope that you and I will turn off your lights. But when the lights go back on, try and go beyond the hour and think about what you can change in your daily life that will benefit the planet. That would be an excellent educational opportunity...

To confirm your pledge - simply go to and confirm it.  While at it - you get to download a FREE wallpaper, sent e-card and join their official Facebook page! Even tweet about it! Just for fun of it!  They even have that neat "global" map where you add your "pledge" star to it. You will be able to read other pledges. It's cool....

Earth Hour

(in case if this video above does not work...please click on this link:

NOTE: St. Patrick's Incident:  If you have read my previous posting. (crossing fingers as I'm still learning... I'm more of hands-on artist where I create amazing fine handcrafts which I will plan on showing and provide instructions cuz I love to share!)  Down in here in city of Frederick, Maryland.  Rita's Italian Ice establishment - Frederick, they were having a contest where each eager participator is to search for that location given by Rita's-Frederick, only in longtitude/latitude mode. The first arrival get to claim the "golden ticket" from one of Rita's-Frederick's representative, standing and holding a huge red/white umbrella. The prize? 365 tickets for a free regular italian ice!  Yes that's 365 free italian ice!

Anyway - they were giving not just one winner, but 19 lucky winners! Each day for 19 days! Just right before their famous annual thing - March 20th, the First Day of Spring where everyone is to get their free italian ice!  (follow them on Twitter @ or @) Anyway, I was monitoring their announcements as they made one every day, around 11:30am by tweeting AND Facebooking the 'locations'. Never had the chance to claim one as the timing and location wasn't suitable for me as I was being too busy - I simply enjoyed the show.

UNTIL... the day of St. Patrick's.

For two days prior to that "fateful day" - I had the strong feeling that they will choose this specific location (I guessed ZiPanini and/or Frederick Community College) which was near where I reside. So it was strong enough for me to get out of the house and go to an area near to that "location", just in case if I was wrong - I will simply go to do some grocery shopping. No loss there. So - they tweeted those numbers (remember, they give out the location by using longtitude/lantitude only). Googled those number.. my heart was pounding as I realize that the location was just few yards away! I rammed the pedal "almost" flew to the location.  Upon the arrival, I was all giggly and claim my 'golden ticket'! I was so excited and amazed at my "guts feelings".. not thinking carefully nor wisely. I tweeted of my "accomplishment" before the announcer is to make an official announcement herself on Twitter and Facebook!!! What a BIG-MOUTHED I was!! I beat her to it...  how embarrassing and stupid of me! I can't believe I've allowed 5-years old "spirit" take over my almost-40 years old brain! I would NORMALLY, be cool and be humble about it - and of course, express my delight by giving "thanks" to the announcer. But noooo - I just BLURTED it out there for everyone to "read"!!!

Maybe it's no big deal but hey, I do have a tiny problem with my "inner" ego thing... I sometimes get too competitive. For example.. I'm UNDEFEATED Pictionary champion, but so far.. no one wanted to play with me unless I'm on a team.  Pathetic, isn't it? Anyway... thanks, this was therapitc for me and I can resume to my "normal" life... (as IF!)

*spooning italian ice*

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