Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Fever...


I'm NOT going to talk about "cleaning", as in doing the house. Well - that is something I'd love to but I probably ended up whining and throwing tantrum on the floor, causing my dogs to bark uncontrollably. An ancient (well just 17 years old) cycle started when I shared a home with my then-fiance and now husband,  whom now is 'smart' enough to avoid by reading newspaper - upside down, of course.

I used to HATE the cleaning, meaning I don't make mess in first place. I put away stuff before they were being picked up. I used to view the "cleaning" as laborious, so I avoid the major cleaning by doing "the quickie mini-cleaning" immediately after each occurring. For example, when brushing my teeth - all those "suds", I immediately rinsed the sink by using my hand - swishing around, including the fixtures. It always remain looking "clean". I keep mini vacuum in bathroom for any stray hair, dust and/or debris. You know - one of those 90's mini-wall where you hang it against the wall?

Oh dear - look what you did! You got me all motormouth about cleaning! *sigh* Alright. ;D

All I wanted to say that - the past week, my teen was SICK, down with "spring fever". Really no...yet, I had to give up all week, holed up at home - nursing my sick teen. But it was worth the pain...for a huge reason, read on.

Cold? Flu? Stomach virus? Nope... it was lymph node infection, in her neck.  And it wasn't the first time, it actually was the second time.  The first one happened when she was 2 years old - so horrible! I didn't get any sleep.  The cause of the infection, even up to today, remains unknown - the doctors (in the past and currently) were baffled. (Should I call up Dr. House on this?)  Anyway, "something" somehow invaded under her skin and lymph node defeated. I didn't notice the swelling on her neck because she was SO chubby (right now, she even isn't - as she's TOO skinny, even more since she lost 7 lbs within a week! Not cool) discoloration nor noticeable redness until I pulled a sweater over head, she yelped. That was when I first saw the swollen neck - immediately, I called the doctor and made an appointment for next morning.  Morning followed, the doctorS examined her, and put her on 3-days antibodies to see if there will be any effect - good enough, there was.  At first, no discoloration or any kind...till 3rd day, I see a small circle, a size of quarter - of color purple. It looked like a bad bruise. Back to doctor - and he was expecting for that to happen, so he admitted her into surgery the next morning. It was a bit of a blur for us.

The most emotional part was when they allowed me to suit up (those astronunt-like protective outfit) and carry her into the surgery room where an anesthesiologist put her to sleep while holding her.   You need to understand this - a 2 years old can get very frightened if going into a huge room with few masked people and so on.  That was their concern not having her being all upset and possible hurt herself when going under.  That was the reason of them allowing to come into the surgery room, carrying my daughter, comforting her as best I could till he placed that mask over her mouth/nose. She did struggle - as instructed, I had to maintain the pressure on the mask on her, as in "forcing" her to breathe that gas from the mask.

The feeling...was overwhelming and indescribable, but I fought to control it so they won't "kick" me out if I break down during that moment and it will interfere the procedure because timings were very critical to those professionals.  When she went "under", I felt her body become so "light" and supple. It was eerily close to having her being dead in my arms. Once she went under - she was immediately taken out of my arms and placed upon the operating table, a nurse walked me to another room where I am to remove the protective outfit. Then I went to waiting room where my husband was at - I told him and few tears escaped. See - I tend to keep it to myself IN public... I just don't like the attention suddenly drawn to me. I guess, growing up on army bases taught me to be discreet with my emotions in public as it tend to fog my  

The doctors drew 4 oz of pus out of her when she was two years old, and inserted an open-ended tube in her neck for extra drainage, for next 3 days.   I'm telling you... the cleaning during those 3 days - I actually almost fainted. Poor James, my husband, he held her - all crying and screaming while I cleaned around those tubes. I had to sit down on toilet to recollect myself - even with him holding her!

Finally, after 3 days, went back to doctor. He removed the tubes and left it opening for it to heal it self in a way. That was when Rachel had to return to surgery once again after a week to "shave" off those damaged nodes and leftovers, then stitch her up.  I, again, had the same experience with her going limp in my arm but this time, I toughed up a bit. Yet, it still get to me - even if it's today.

Now - she's going to be 16 and here it goes, again - only that it was different. No surgery - yet, but it sure deprives her of an appetite for food which lead her to lose 7 lbs. The cause of it? STILL I think I would like to request for biopsy to see if I could be infected so I could lose some pounds before my class reunion coming up in August!!

{I might not be a writer, but I wanted to tell this as if I'm talking to you in person, over cup of tea}

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